December 21, 2009

Xmas season

well just decided to join a weight loss competition! this is my way of being held accountable. recording my activities weekly and taking pictures is going to be tough, but it also takes the weight off my conscience. now you all know what i am dealing with what i am doing weekly. my progress or lack there of with be out in cyberspace evry week! My sis will be my conscience. i am going to try anf get my mom in on this too. We both have alot of weight to loose and a lot to gain form loosing it! Till Jan 5th there is baking and eating and lots of thinking why.

1 comment:

Karilynn said...

Find what is going to be your biggest motivator. Mine was just FINISHING something FOR A CHANGE!! What is yours? Why are you doing this? Do you really believe you are worth the hard work? Convince yourself... find the reason WHY you are worth it. Make a list of all of your excuses and recognize that they are JUST EXCUSES!! You can do this Kira!! Can't wait to watch you shrink! :o)